A Diploma in Theology is a foundational program that provides students with a broad understanding of Christian beliefs, biblical studies, and theological principles. It is often designed for individuals preparing for ministry, church leadership, or personal spiritual growth. The course structure may vary depending on the institution, but here is a general overview of the key subjects typically covered in a Diploma in Theology program:

1. Biblical Studies
* Old Testament Survey – An overview of the books of the Old Testament, key themes, historical context, and theological significance.
* New Testament Survey – A study of the New Testament books, focusing on the life and teachings of Jesus, the early church, and apostolic writings.
* Biblical Hermeneutics – Principles and methods of interpreting Scripture accurately.
* Pentateuch Studies – A deeper examination of the first five books of the Bible (Genesis–Deuteronomy).
* Gospels and Acts – A focused study on the life of Jesus and the development of the early Christian church.

2. Theology and Doctrinal Studies
* Systematic Theology – A structured study of core Christian doctrines such as the Trinity, salvation, sin, and eschatology.
* Christology – The study of Jesus Christ, His nature, work, and role in salvation.
* Pneumatology – The doctrine of the Holy Spirit, His gifts, and His role in the Christian life.
* Ecclesiology – A study of the church, its structure, purpose, and mission.

3. Church History
* Early Church History – A study of the development of Christianity from the Apostolic Age to the early church councils.
* Reformation and Modern Church Movements – The impact of the Protestant Reformation and key figures in church history.

4. Practical Ministry and Christian Leadership
* Homiletics – The art and science of preaching and sermon preparation.
* Pastoral Care and Counseling – Principles of pastoral counseling, dealing with grief, conflict resolution, and spiritual guidance.
* Evangelism and Missions – Strategies for spreading the gospel and understanding cross-cultural missions.
* Christian Ethics – Moral and ethical decision-making from a biblical perspective.

5. Comparative Religion and Apologetics
* Comparative Religions – An introduction to major world religions and their beliefs in contrast to Christianity.
* Apologetics – Defending the Christian faith using reason, history, and Scripture.

6. Spiritual Formation and Christian Living
* Spiritual Growth and Discipleship – Developing a deeper relationship with God through prayer, fasting, and studying the Bible.
* Christian Worship – The principles of worship, liturgy, and church practices.

7. Electives (Institution-Specific)
Specialized courses such as:
i. Church Administration
ii. Youth Ministry
iii. Christian Media and Technology